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I am Gen X – our collective motto is, we just want to be left alone, but this summer that all changed, and I knew it was time to act. 

As a Pueblo native, I don't recognize my state or city anymore. This past summer, I had planned to go out of town, I walked outside, and it took me a minute to process what I was seeing - someone had thrown a brick through my car window. I called 911 and I was told to fill out a form online. This wasn't just a property crime or a victimless crime; this violation left me with a feeling of being scared and angry. It wasn't just the feeling of being a victim of crime, it was the realization that I don't have representation. I don't want to feel that way anymore, and I don't want you to feel that way.

It's time to take back Pueblo and all of Colorado. I can do that at the Capitol. I have decided to run for the Colorado House of Representatives District 46 to be my own representation and to represent all of our district. I am not a politician; I am a Pueblo girl running for office and I am an independent thinker, and I will be an independent voice for the people of Pueblo County

Issues that are important in Pueblo County are:

  • Safety
  • Reducing crime and homelessness
  • Economic opportunities

Please let me know the issues you are concerned about. 

Paid for by the Committee to Elect Christina Mascarenas
Registered Agent: Christina Mascarenas
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